UNAM launches free online English course with valid certification


The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) launched an online English course that will be free and will have the possibility to carry out your certification.

To start with the courses, you just have to enter the Virtual Language Environment of the Coordination of Open University and Distance Education of UNAM.

Once you have accessed the site you must take your placement exam, which consists of six sections which will help you identify what level you are at to find out where you can start the course from.

These courses will help you develop the four basic skills to learn a language; read, listen, write, and speak.

On the platform you can learn, practice, assess your knowledge, and most importantly you can certify the language. It should be noted that on the page you will find sections that will only be enabled for UNAM students and others that are accessible to the entire public.

Source: UNAM

The Mazatlan Post