Viva Aerobus launches a promotion so that you and your love can fly high … and for free!


JUNE 18, 2020

Learn about the offer that is active exclusively on your Facebook page, it is very easy

 If you want you and your love to fly high, you cannot miss this promotion that Viva Aerobús launched a few hours ago.

The award is very attractive and includes a double round flight to any national destination, whichever you choose

The dynamic indicates two simple steps to follow so that you and that person you like, love, and are your favorite, go together and enjoy free flights.

  1. You must share a photo with your partner where you show the pride flag creatively.
  2. In the same comment, you must tell your love story using the #Vivasertúmismo hashtag.

It details that the jury will be made up of active collaborators from Viva Aerobus and the winner will be published on Viva Aerobus social networks.

But you have a time limit opportunity closes on Thursday, June 25, 2020, at 10:00 AM. So fly, register, send your photo and tell your story.

¡Vuela alto siendo tú mismo! ? Participa en nuestra dinámica y vete a ese #VivaDestino nacional que tanto te gusta junto…

Posted by Viva Aerobus on Wednesday, June 17, 2020


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