Ten Mexico governors demand the resignation of Hugo López-Gatell


The governors demanded the immediate resignation of the undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion and the arrival of a new expert to attend the pandemic

The Federalist Alliance of Governors announced a position regarding the strategy implemented by the Federal Government for the COVID-19 pandemic.

The governors demanded the immediate resignation of the undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, and the arrival of a new expert.

Through a statement, the governors indicated that Mexico is in the worst case scenario and López-Gatell opted for a political management of the pandemic

“The Governors of 40 million Mexican men and women, demand that the Federal Government immediately release Hugo López-Gatell and put an expert in the field, with knowledge and humility, to understand in all its dimensions the issues of this health crisis as serious as the one we are going through ”, the document reads.

They accused that an attempt has been made to transfer the management of the pandemic to state and municipal governments through the Covid-19 Risk Traffic Light , which “has stifled local economies, because they never wanted to attend to this pandemic in a coordinated manner and with extraordinary resources. ”

In the message, the governors referred to the actions of the undersecretary López-Gatell of whom, they assured, “he has not stopped lying, of falling into contradictions about the projections and the strategies to be implemented.”

They indicated that over more than five months, the use of a protection mechanism for millions of Mexicans, such as the face mask, has been politicized.

“More than 35 thousand people had to die in order for López-Gatell to accept, half-heartedly, its usefulness, which has generated confusion in the population,” the statement read.

The governors who sign the positioning are:

.Martín Orozco Sandoval de Aguascalientes

Javier Corral Jurado de Chihuahua

.Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís de Coahuila

.José Ignacio Peralta Sánchez de Colima

.José Rosas Aispuro Torres de Durango

.Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo de Guanajuato

.Enrique Alfaro Ramírez from Jalisco

.Silvano Aureoles Rabbit from Michoacán

Jaime Heliodoro Rodríguez Calderón de Nuevo León

.Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca de Tamaulipas

Yesterday during the daily report of coronavirus in the National Palace, López Gatell stated that modifications to the text outlining the responsibilities of the Covid-19 Risk Light will be evaluated to specify more clearly “the conditions in which the federal could differ from the state” . 

“It is essential that we put down what the legal elements that already exist may be, which would lead to delimiting the responsibility in case of non-compliance or in case of an adverse consequence. If the Federation says ‘you are in red’ and the state says ‘I am in orange and I am going to do these other activities’, very well, the state must answer for its sovereign decisions, that is the matter, ”said the undersecretary.

“So it is not a threat, it is clarity, it is frankness and it is within the framework of the law to present things as they are.”

México llegó a 46 mil 688 muertos por Covid-19 y ya es tercero en ...

The deaths confirmed by Covid-19 in Mexico reached 46,000, while the contagions amount to 416,179, the Ministry of Health (Ssa) reported yesterday.

Source: milenio.com, contraparte.mx

The Mazatlan Post