Activist declares that the number of femicides is growing exponentially in Mexico


Perla Acosta Galindo, activist, and CEO of “Más Sueños AC” declared that during the pandemic there has been an increase in the number of cases because confinement and overcrowding at certain homes generate different types of violence towards women.

This is what she said:

“Mexico is a femicide country, Mexico us a violent country, it is in fact, one of Latin America´s most violent countries.

From January through August a total of 2,532 women and girls were violently murdered in Mexico. That’s an average of 10 femicides per day.

Just during the month of April alone, the second month of the lockdown, a total of 21,722 emergency calls were made regarding violence against women.

Ths health situation we have been living through in Mexico has caused a serious increase in cases of violence against women, emergency calls have increased too, and these calls for help have been different since in many cases, the victim is right there with the aggressor at her side, and many times they call, but can’t ask for help, or they can’t escape from a property.

And things get even worse, when president Lopez Obrador himself declares on a press conference that 90% of these calls are false, how can he be so insensitive?

The Federal Government pretends to tell the people to calm down and count to ten whenever they feel they’re about to lose control which is totally absurd because this is a problem that comes from deep inside our nation’s history, this is something patriarchal, that has to do with the system, but our authorities who are supposed to solve this problem, do not even recognize there is a problem.

On International Women’s Day, thousands of women took to the streets demanding justice for femicide victims.

We need to stop seeing this situation as something normal, it is absolutely not a normal thing to have thousands of women
violently raped and murdered every month. But the authorities do not want to accept their responsibility in this matter.

The social fabric in Mexico is sick, it is decomposing rapidly, and if we don’t wake up, realize the danger that this represents for
the future generations and do something about it, it is only going to get worse”.

End of interview.

Protesters rally for the decriminalization of abortion in Mexico City on 19 February. Photograph: Carlos Tischler/REX/Shutterstock


Más Sueños AC is a feminist civil association, formed in 2011 and established on August 14, 2013. It is made up of a multidisciplinary team of professional women in the areas of psychology, social work, politics and law that offers care to women who live or have experienced situations of physical and / or emotional violence seeking their integration into the family, work and social environment. As of 2017, caring for the elderly has become an important part of our philosophy.

They provide and organize different services and activities such as:

– Psychological and social orientation with a gender perspective.
– Attention to the elderly, promoting their good treatment, inclusion, and an active and participatory maturity
– Individual and group attention
– Violeta Tournaments
– Civil association fairs
– Workshops and activities aimed at the culture of peace (art, meditation, yoga, crafts, cinema-club, etc)

Sources: Notimex, Más Sueños AC

Mexico Daily Post