AMLO defended Trump on his first call with President Biden


The president said they had a good relationship with the former president

On December 19, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, held his first official phone call with the new president of the United States, Joe Biden.

During the exchange, it transpired, according to journalist Carlos Loret de Mola for El Universal, who obtained a notion of the conversation from sources close to the president, that AMLO defended his former counterpart, Donald Trump.

Hearing Joe Biden say: “The first thing I want to tell you is that I am not Trump”, in a clear attempt to relax the tone of the conversation, López Obrador replied: “Well I must tell you that with President Trump we had a great relationship, he always respected us a lot ”. Something that was undoubtedly an unexpected comment for Biden, as it seemed that he was on the side of the tycoon.

At that time, AMLO was on tour with his foreign minister Marcelo Ebrard in Valladolid, Yucatán, and the call was made on a cell phone with a speaker.

One would imagine that Joe Biden always opens his talk with the resource of “I am not Trump” to reduce the waters and reassure world leaders, after the disaster caused by this, however, it was never expected that his neighbor to the south, the that he has caused so much damage to Mexico, would come to his defense.

It is said that López Obrador quoted Benito Juárez (“the best president of Mexico,” he said) with the well-known phrase of “respect for the rights of others is peace,” when he referred to the immigration issue.

The president presumed that Trump never interfered with Mexico and that he did not intervene in the country’s affairs, and that this was very important to him. Biden assured that his government would not intend to do so.

In last Friday’s call, both leaders again addressed the issue of migration and its causes. It turned out that Joe Biden will allocate an investment of 4 billion dollars in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, just to stop migratory flows.


Mexico Daily Post