With no face mask, AMLO inaugurates “Universidad del Bienestar” in Atoyac, Guerrero


President Andrés Manuel López Obrador inaugurated in Atoyac, Guerrero, the Benito Juárez University for Well-being, which teaches Agroforestry Engineering. As it is his custom, AMLO did not wear a face mask at any time during the event.

The purpose of the degree is to train professionals who can propose viable alternatives for local and regional agri-food and forestry production; with a critical vision of the environment, sustainability, and food sovereignty, capable of generating processes of community collaboration for the well-being and quality of life of society.

This headquarters joins eight others in the Mexican Republic that have the same educational approach. The campuses are located in the Magdalena Contreras district, in Mexico City; Pantepec, Chenalhó and Teopisca, in Chiapas; Tlalchinol, Hidalgo; Rayón, San Luis Potosí and Chignautla, Puebla.

The event was attended by the governor of Guerrero, Héctor Astudillo Flores; the general director of Universidades del Bienestar, Raquel Sosa Elizaga; the municipal president of Atoyac, Julieta Martínez Pérez and the academic coordinator of the educational headquarters, Juana García Márquez.

Source: lopezobrador.org.mx

The Guerrero Post