Operation rescue Queretaro presented


Querétaro observes a significant lag in health and education, said Ricardo Navarro

During the presentation of Misión Rescate México in Querétaro, its coordinator Ricardo Navarro Maldonado, said that the objective is that organizations, groups, communities, and social leaders in the state can form local networks and detect the most felt needs of citizens in health matters, economy, security, justice, and in the social sphere. In the latter, Querétaro observes a significant lag in health and education, and what is sought is to influence decision-making towards a better future.

In a virtual press conference, he explained that the first action that will be promoted in Querétaro is the integration of a citizen agenda, with the purpose of collecting proposals for improvement before the main priorities of Queretans, with the intention that the entity continue to develop.

Enrique Uribarren Castro, from the Social Union of Entrepreneurs of Mexico in Querétaro pointed out in this regard, according to the democratic development index in Mexico, Querétaro for the second consecutive year is ranked as the fourth-best state nationwide in terms of democratic development indicators.

However, in social matters, there is a considerable deficit, specifically in the area of ​​access to health and quality education, it is where we have the greatest lag in the state and where a series of strategies will be implemented to improve the living conditions of Queretans.

For his part, Navarro Maldonado pointed out that the principle of citizen strength says, as much society as possible, as much government as necessary. With this criterion, the objective of Misión Rescate México Querétaro is to promote citizen maturity for an inclusive exercise of power that promotes participation.

The manifesto of this national group proclaims unity, democracy, the division of powers, federalism, citizen participation, security, justice and peace, as well as human rights.

Locally, it is considered to take into account the electoral year that we are experiencing and carry out some activities, among which were mentioned to motivate citizen participation in the promotion and defense of the vote, as well as to constitute a citizen observatory, before, during and after of the elections.

The above, because it is considered that the rescue of Mexico is not achieved only in election time, it is achieved with the energy of the people and making democracy a way of daily life.

At this press conference there were also Lucy de los Cobos; Héctor Hugo Escobar, from the Alliance of Teachers in Querétaro; Rodrigo Puga representing the National Integrative Union of Solidarity Organizations, Economy and Art; Ricardo Navarro from the

National Network, Network of Civil Society Organizations, whose work is to promote citizen, community and democratic values.

Source: noticiasdequeretaro.com.mx

The Queretaro Post