Last-minute visitors reactivate hotels in the Traditional Acapulco


Businessmen from the Traditional area of Acapulco said that although it started “very slow”, the long weekend ended with a hotel occupancy of 75%

Despite the fact that the long weekend for the hotel area of the Traditional Acapulco started “very slow” at the last minute the hotel occupancy rose to 75 percent and “everything went well”, said the president of the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of the Traditional Acapulco, Francisco Aguilar Ordóñez.

The hotelier said that the vast majority of tourists who arrived were on board excursion buses and a smaller percentage were in private vehicles.

“It started very slow and yesterday (Sunday) it started a little more but it went well and I estimate that the Traditional Acapulco reached an occupancy of 75 percent”.

He said that this long weekend there was “a lot” of people who mostly arrived without booking and helped to reactivate the economy.

He mentioned that the Traditional Acapulco is working and is ready to receive tourism during these Easter holidays.

He trusted that in Holy Week there will be a lot of tourism that will help Acapulco in its economic recovery as it happened during this long weekend that was very good.

Source: El Sol de Acapulco