National promotion of Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo starts by El Bajío


The convention and visitors bureau, in collaboration with the hoteliers of Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, started the promotion of the destination in their caravan by El Bajío 2024. This strategy is part of the continuous efforts to position itself as one of the preferred destinations in all of Mexico.

The caravan recently arrived in San Luis Potosí, where a breakfast presentation was held before more than 50 travel agents. During this meeting, the attractions and experiences offered by the beach duo were highlighted, showing a glimpse of the diversity and beauty that characterize the region.

The main objective of this initiative is to establish synergies between travel agents and hoteliers to increase the arrival of national visitors to Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo. The cooperation between both sectors will allow to strengthen the tourist offer of the destination and offer memorable experiences to the tourists who choose this region as their next vacation destination.

A notable aspect of this campaign is the recent designation of Zihuatanejo as a magical town, a recognition that adds an additional attraction to the destination and positions it as a unique and charming place to discover and explore.

Source: Meganoticias