People are invited to join the blood donation campaign in Zihuatanejo


This Friday, November 22, a blood drive will be held at the IMSS-Bienestar Bernardo Sepúlveda hospital in this city.

The director of the hospital, Ernesto Zavala Lorenzo, highlighted the importance of having blood units available and stated that this campaign is aimed not only at relatives of patients in need of blood, but at the general population.

He indicated that the hours will be from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m.

“We must remember that this campaign is being carried out in conjunction with the State Center for Transfusional Medicine, so that they have the confidence that there will be specialized personnel in blood transfusion. There is a great need to have reserves of blood units,” he said.

“Right there, those who arrive will undergo a clinical evaluation by a doctor and then blood tests will be done to determine if they can be donors or not,” he said.

In addition, he said those interested must come fasting for seven hours and have gone three days without taking any medication.

Source: guerrero.quadratin