Senator Felix Salgado Macedonio celebrates his birthday with a huge party in Guerrero

Felix Salgado Macedonio

Felix Salgado Macedonio celebrated his birthday with a tremendously big party in Guerrero, Mexico.

Félix Salgado Macedonio, always a controversial politician, celebrated his 68th birthday on January 14th, with a huge party, worthy of kings in turbulent Guerrero, where his daughter, Evelyn Salgado, is the governor.

There was endless food, several musical bands, and hundreds of guests.

But, of course, there was no lack of political spin: among the attendees were mayors, local deputies, state officials, and even the state auditor, Marcos César París Peralta Hidalgo.

The event turned into an improvised rally, with cheers of “governor, governor!” which, obviously, Félix Salgado heard with great joy.

The senator made it clear that he has not yet decided whether he will seek the governorship in 2027 (because, remember, the law against nepotism does not apply until 2030).

He did, however, assure the attendees that he did not spend one single penny on his “little party”, because “it was the good people who organized everything.”

“How generous are the people of Guerrero, always so kind to their leaders,” Salgado stated.

The party has been criticized by millions of Mexicans on social media, but that does not seem to affect the Salgado family.

The state of Guerrero has recently suffered a wave of crime and the passage of two hurricanes that have devastated the population in many ways.


The Guerrero Post