Ixtapa Zihuatanejo registers spike in Covid-19 infections


Guerrero reaches 9,879 cases and 1,317 people have died of coronavirus

The Secretary of Health in Guerrero, Carlos de la Peña Pintos, warned that the port of Zihuatanejo on the entity’s Costa Grande, presented a very important rebound in Covid-19 cases when it reached 412 and contagiousness is at its level highest with 95 active patients.

During his participation in the daily conference to update cases, the state official reported that the state has 9,879 confirmed cases and 1,317 people have lost their lives due to this disease, while 940 are still active with recent symptoms. 14 days.

“We see the port of Zihuatanejo that has shown a very important rebound in recent weeks, contagiousness began, in the last 24 hours throughout the state we detected 160 new cases,” he said.

De la Peña Pintos, announced that, so far, 17,086 laboratory tests have been applied, of which 6,147 have been negative, 1,060 remain as suspects and 6,301 people have successfully recovered from this disease.

On the number of hospitalized, there are a total of 289, of which 131 are reported as stable, 109 remain serious and with oxygen support, while 49 remain intubated, of the total of internees, 134 remain in hospitals of the Secretariat of Health, 68 at IMSS, 48 at SEDENA, 29 at ISSSTE and 12 at SEMAR.

Of the total of patients intubated by coronavirus, 27 remain in hospitals of the Secretary of Health, 13 of the IMSS and 9 in the ISSSTE, while SEDENA and Semar do not register patients in this condition.

Source: elsoldeacapulco.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post