Map of Covid in Mexico October 10: 17 states were in orange and 14 in yellow


Accumulated, 809,751 infected people have been registered, of which only 39,364 are active and 83,507 sick have died

In Mexico, 809,751 accumulated infections of coronavirus were confirmed until October 9, 2020, but only 39,364 were considered as active; that is, they presented the symptoms of the disease during the last 14 days. In addition, deaths reached the figure of 83,507.

According to Ricardo Cortés Alcalá, general director of Health Promotion, seven states returned to the color orange due to the high risk of contagion, no entity returned to red, in addition to 14 that will remain on a yellow traffic light, while Campeche will be the only one in green.

Chihuahua, Coahuila, Sinaloa, Durango, Aguascalientes, Querétaro, and Oaxaca went from medium risk or yellow to orange, which means that new restrictive measures will also have to be taken both economically, commercially, and socially.

Some of the preventive measures at this level are the work of companies only for 30% of their staff, as well as the opening of public spaces, although with basic health measures, as well as limited capacity.

Illustration: Jovani Pérez Illustration: Jovani Pérez

In addition, there were five entities that went from orange to yellow. The states that will continue in yellow are: Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí, Veracruz, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Morelos, Michoacán, Guanajuato, Sonora, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Chiapas, Tabasco and Quintana Roo.

Of the total, 48.36% are women and 51.64% are men. In addition, 23.46% were hospitalized for different levels of severity, while 76.54% were able to continue their recovery from home with all the necessary protocols.

The City of Mexico is the entity with the largest number of active cases, followed by Nuevo Leon, State of Mexico, Guanajuato, Jalisco, and Coahuila as entities with more than 1,000 active cases and which together account for more than half (53 %) of active cases in the country.

Illustration: Jovani Pérez Illustration: Jovani Pérez

The General Directorate of Epidemiology also confirmed that 302,645 people continue to await their results and were considered suspects of carrying the SARS-CoV-2 virus. An estimated 588,085 recovered were also recorded, as well as 956,251 negative diagnoses.

Unfortunately, 83,507 Mexicans have also died. 35.86% are women, while the remaining 64.14% are men. On the other hand, it was indicated that 88.49% died in the hospital and 11.51% did so in circumstances outside the hospitals.

Illustration: Jovani Pérez Illustration: Jovani Pérez

Among the people who died, the main comorbidities found were hypertension with 44.76%, diabetes with 38.28%, obesity with 24.25%, and lastly, smoking with 8.02%.

On the other hand, of the 28,768 general hospital beds counted throughout the country, 27% (7,852) are occupied and 73% are available (20,916). The states with the lowest percentage of available beds are: Nuevo León, Nayarit, Mexico City and Colima.

Illustration: Jovani Pérez Illustration: Jovani Pérez

On the occupancy of beds with a ventilator counted this day (10,727), to attend patients with severe symptoms of COVID-19, 24% (2,537) are occupied and 76% (8,190) are available. Although Nuevo León has the highest number of occupied beds, it still accounts for more than 55% of hospital availability.


Mexico Daily Post