AMLO Approval rating drops


The #AMLOTrackingPoll is a daily statistical exercise on the approval or disapproval of the management of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, carried out by Consulta Mitofsky by Roy Campos for El Economista. According to Campos, it is a digital measurement of the public function

In the 10 states where their governors have raised the requirement to the federal government, to review the distribution of resources, approval was 11 points lower than in the rest of the entities.

The approval of the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador fell in the 10 states that make up the Federalist Alliance, and in which their governors have raised the demand on the federal government so that the resources of the 2020 Expenditure Budget are distributed more equitably among entities.

Thus, in Aguascalientes, Coahuila, Colima, Chihuahua, Durango, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Michoacán, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas, only 52% of those surveyed approved the presidential administration, while in the rest of the entities the average approval was 63 %, according to a survey published this Monday by El Financiero.

At the national level, the approval level of the president in October fell to 59% in October, three points less compared to September, however, they are among the margin of error for the year.

The study refers to the fact that despite the drop in the last month, the approval percentage of the Mexican president has remained relatively stable since May, ranging between 56% and 62% of acceptance by Mexicans.

According to the survey, 45% considered that the fight against corruption is being treated “well or very well”56% of respondents said that the president is handling badly or very badly public safety, while 53% also believe that “bad or very bad” on economic policy.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the percentage of Mexicans who believe that López Obrador is acting badly or very badly in health matters is 40%, while 36% believe that his management in this regard is good or very good.

57% of those surveyed answered that they believe that the president cares about people, and 49% assured that the Government is giving results, despite the fact that only 41% said they felt represented and identified with López Obrador.

Cienfuegos detention approved

In political matters, the main events of the month were the arrest in the United States of former Secretary of Defense Salvador Cienfuegos for alleged links with drug trafficking, the disappearance of 109 public trusts, and the state elections in Hidalgo and Coahuila.

76% of those consulted thought the arrest of Cienfuegos was good or very good and 44% believed the same of the disappearance of the trusts, while 49% considered the electoral victory of the PRI in Coahuila and Hidalgo to be bad or very bad.

The El Financiero survey had a sample of 820 telephone calls to cell phones and landlines distributed throughout Mexico made on October 24. They have a confidence level of 95% with a margin of error of +/- 3.4%.


#AMLOTrackingPoll Aprobación de AMLO, 11 de noviembre


Mexico Daily Post