Zihuatanejo, 90% sold for the holiday season


Mayor Jorge Sánchez Allec said that very hard work is being done in Ixtapa-Zihutanejo, especially on the issue of public safety

The president of Ixtapa-Zihutanejo, Jorge Sánchez Allec, affirmed that this beach destination will have a one hundred percent influx of visitors during the Easter season.

He indicated that in Ixtapa-Zihutanejo, they are working very hard, especially on the issue of public safety for the holiday season.

“We are working very hard on the issue, according to the secretary of citizen security, we are going down on the issue of crime, but we do not take it easy for this, but rather the opposite hand in hand with the coordination table for the peace, we are joining efforts so that Ixtapa-Zihutanejo does well,” he said.

When attending the 48th edition of the Tianguis Turísticos in Mexico City, the mayor said that now Ixtapa-Zihutanejo already registers 90 percent of sales in reservations, but in the next few days it will close at 100 percent upon arrival of visitors.

He added that they are going to prepare very well to serve the thousands of tourists who are going to arrive in all sectors.

Finally, he said that his government is busy relaunching Ixtapa-Zihutanejo and repositioning the port.

Source: El Sol de Acapulco