Jaguar euthanized in Guerrero; those responsible could face 9 years in prison

Asesinato de jaguar por pobladores de la Sierra de Atoyac, en Guerrero. Foto: Especial

The Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa) reported to the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) the murder of a female jaguar, in danger of extinction, at the hands of residents of the community of Río Chiquito, in the Sierra de Atoyac.

The agency in charge of seeking environmental justice reported that the person or persons found responsible could face up to 9 years in prison for the sacrifice of the specimen, which was made known on October 12 on social networks where a user reported that the specimen was sacrificed by residents of the Atoyaquense mountain range.

“Yesterday this Jaguar was sacrificed in one of the communities of our Atoyaquense mountain range. (…) Remember that jaguars are territorial, and cover an area of ​​approximately 100 square kilometers where they move in search of food. The reduction of their habitat and therefore of prey, sometimes makes them approach the towns and stock up on cows, goats, sheep, chickens, which generates a conflict with ranchers mainly, but there is insurance that covers damages in case of livestock predation.
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“Killing these felines means reducing their population dangerously, contributing to other wild species being able to reproduce without regulation and ending up becoming pests for crops,” wrote the person who reported the incident on his Facebook profile.

The jaguar is a Panthera onca species. According to the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat), it is an endangered species, listed in the NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010.

Source: eluniversal