Mexico Corruption: Nepotism reigns in Guerrero halls of justice


In the Judicial Power of Guerrero, everything remains in the family.

And it is that being the wife, child, or relative of a magistrate has become a guarantee to enter as a judge or some other position, without having a judicial career.

Trial lawyers and employees who have worked for years in the Court of Justice assure that nepotism and corruption in this instance have escalated for 10 years.

The magistrate Julio Jáuregui, for example, appointed his wife Azucena Pineda Guillermo as a judge of the first court in matters of justice for adolescents.

Félix Nava Solís, a magistrate of the third criminal court, appointed his nephews Irving and Ever Fernández Nava, in addition to Carlos Nava Tapia, as judge of oral trials, administrative officer of the criminal court of Chilpancingo, and administrative officer in the judicial district of Hidalgo, which is based in Iguala.

Vicente Rodríguez, a magistrate of the First Criminal Chamber, has his two sons, Cristian and Alberto Rodríguez, working as judges.

The former secretary of Court Agreements, Juan Sánchez Lucas, who last May was appointed a magistrate by the local Congress, at the proposal of Governor Héctor Astudillo Flores, appointed his wife María Teresa Sánchez Romero as a judge.

But retired magistrates can also recommend their children to occupy different positions in the Judiciary.

Former magistrate Eulalio Alfaro Castro placed his three daughters before he died. Tanya, Mariela and Norma Sany Alfaro Zapata are trial control judges in Chilpancingo, Iguala and Tixtla. Fidel Alfaro, Eulalio’s nephew, is a civil judge.

Also, the former magistrate and former president of the Judiciary, Raúl Calvo Sánchez, appointed his wife Génesis Hernández Rodríguez as a judge.

The state leader of the National Front of Democratic Lawyers (FNAD), Carlos Marx Barbosa Guzmán, assured that many of the judges who have a position by recommendation are not trained to fulfill their function of imparting justice.

He cited the case of the mixed judge of the first court of Tixtla, Norma Sany Alfaro Zapata, daughter of former magistrate Eulalio Alfaro, whom he accused of altering a procedural formality that has led to the delay of more than three years of a trial in family matters.

“The problem is that when a magistrate puts a family member as a judge, without having the training, seniority, and profile, it is normal for them to incur these types of irregularities, as does this judicial official,” he said.

In addition, he indicated, when a magistrate imposes his son or daughter to another family member as a judge, it affects the designers, actuaries, and secretaries of agreements who have a judicial career.

But the most serious thing, he reiterated, is that these “recommended”

The lawyer said that he has 40 lawsuits pending before the Federal and local Judicial Power against judges who have delayed litigation cases in civil, criminal, and family matters.

Perla Maldonado Aguirre, president of the Guerrero Forum of Lawyers, assured that it was in 2019 the last time that there was a call in the Judicial Power for the allocation of places for judges and that the majority of those favored were relatives of magistrates or judicial officials of another range.

He recalled that, in May, Governor Astudillo proposed to the local Congress a group of officials without a judicial career as magistrates of the Judicial Power and of the Administrative Court of Justice, whose appointments were approved by the deputies.

Among those favored is the former Senior Official of Congress, Benjamín Gallegos; the former president of the Commission for the Defense of Human Rights, Ramón Navarrete Magdaleno; the former Prosecutor for Combating Corruption, Ignacio Javier Murguía, and the former member of the State Executive Committee of the PRI, Tomás Pastor Reynoso.

Jorge Camacho Mancilla, former director of the Executive Commission for Victim Care, was also appointed as an Administrative Justice magistrate.

Guerrero’s judiciary, the other well-organized crime

The Due Process of Law Foundation, the International Commission of Jurists and Fundar, and the Center for Analysis and Research, AC, met with organizations and authorities of the state of Guerrero, then as now, but even more serious today, the experts confirmed “the worrying crisis of security and justice in which the Guerrero society and its institutions find themselves, caused, among other causes, by deficiencies structural of the institutions of prosecution and administration of justice ”.

Since then, to date, the deterioration in the application of prompt, efficient, and above all credible justice, has increased further. As has been demonstrated by complaints from the Judicial Power workers themselves, there is a criminal mafia made up of magistrates and judges who distribute almost 500 million pesos a year, in salaries and benefits, regardless of their notorious ineptitude. The Federal Judicial Council (CJF), created almost thirty years ago, in 1995, has only slightly sanctioned seven judicial officials of this entity. The Judicial Power, in the hands of corrupt judicial officials, without any supervision, functions as if it were yet another criminal group, but better organized, since the application of the law is in their hands without giving explanations to anyone.

The analysis of the serious crisis in the administration of justice that Guerrero suffers was presented to the then president of the Court, Edmudo Román Pinzón, by the delegation made up of José Antonio Martín Pallín, Emeritus Magistrate of the Supreme Court of Spain. Susana Villarán, former Commissioner of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (Lima, Peru). José Zeitune, Legal Adviser for Latin America of the International Commission of Jurists (Geneva, Switzerland). Cécile Lachenal, Researcher and Head of the Access to Justice Project at Fundar, Center for Analysis and Research (Mexico, DF). Mirte Postema, Coordinator of the Judicial Transparency and Accountability Program of the Foundation for the Due Process of Law (Washington, DC, USA).

Report part

The Commission states that it met at that time with the president of the TSJE, the head of the Attorney General’s office, Albertico Guinto Sierra, and his team, the Secretary of Government, Guillermo Ramírez Ramos, the Secretary of Public Security, the president of the Coddehum, Juan Alarcón Hernández and the president of the Congressional Justice Commission, Jesús Evodio Velázquez Aguirre, none of them cared about the warning of the deterioration of justice in Guerrero.

Thus, during the period from March 13, 2009, to March 13, 2011, according to a CJF report, it indicates that seven judges from Guerrero had been punished in a lesser way, but no magistrate. This despite the fact that most have serious accusations of corruption, influence peddling, relationship with heads of criminal groups, nepotism, and, some, have even threatened reporters, as was the case of Magistrate Emiliano Lozano Cruz.

The causes for which these judges were sanctioned are not specific, but according to this report, they fall within some of the following behaviors: lack of professionalism; delay in the process; delay in resolution; notorious ineptitude; conspicuous neglect; improper exercise of functions; abandonment of functions; dishonesty; workplace harassment; disposition of cash for your benefit; sexual harassment; and abuse of power.

The Judicial Power of Guerrero is essentially made up of 24 magistrates, without exceptions, all in some part of their careers, they have been accused of twisting the law, deficiencies, corruption, and abuse. Hundreds of failed cases due to poorly substantiated and superficial analyzes, based on simple improbable expert reports, as well as the application of the law by the slogan, have left a long sequel of injustice that has made the justice system in this entity abhor; Judges imprison citizens for up to 15 years for minor offenses, while releasing ‘workers’ from criminal groups in two or three months.

Mafias that protect themselves Mafias that protect themselves

For nine years, the lack of independence and transparency of the Judicial Power has been noticed and verified. The delegation of the Foundation for the Due Process of Law observed “the lack of a clear, transparent and merit-based system for the appointment and promotion of officials.

The main lags are found in the appointment of the magistrates of the Superior Court of Justice, in the absence of an exhaustive analysis of the candidates proposed for magistrates by the Legislative Power, in the concentration of powers and in the discretion with which the State Executive Power in this sense, ”the agency points out in its 2009 report when the president of the TSJE was Edmundo Román Pinzón, a magistrate with accusations of nepotism and mediocrity who took office on the recommendation of the repudiated ex-governor Zeferino Torreblanca Galindo.

The lack of transparency for the appointment and promotion of judicial officials was manifested in the protest made by workers of the Judicial Power on April 7, 2015, being the president of the TSJE the magistrate, Lambertina Galeana Marín, accused by the Ayotzinapa movement of hiding and losing the videos of the night of September 26 in Iguala; The workers unveiled a long list of relatives that the magistrates and judges have named as part of the Judiciary.

The gaming sons of a magistrate

But among all the accusations of nepotism made known by workers, the one of magistrate Edmundo Román Pinzón stands out, being the one who received the diagnosis nine years ago of the serious deterioration and corruption in the TSJE, but instead of taking measures, he simply ignored it and He added a little more grievances because with well-founded evidence they accuse him of having placed his two children: Edmundo Jehu Román Serrano and Michelle Román Serrano, in the Supervised Family Coexistence Center (Cecofam).

Edmundo Jehu Román, is a young man who on his Facebook profile is dedicated to sharing his experiences in computer games; He graduated in 2010 with a law degree from Hippocrates College. In his profile, he assures that he works in the Court.

The son, the father and the vocation The son, the father, and the vocation

The Supervised Family Coexistence Center (Cecofam) should be a specialized instance, but according to the workers, it is the place where magistrates and judges send their children who do not know what to do with them, adding deficiencies to the response of Justice.

Also, on August 17 of last year, this same magistrate Pinzón, was pointed out by legal representatives of the company Acapulco Diamonds SA de CV, to intervene directly to favor Cristina Díaz Chávez, accused of the crime of dispossession according to criminal cases number 03/2015-ii for the crime of procedural fraud and file 190/2013-i before the fourth court of the judicial district of Tabares.

Edmundo Román Pinzón, according to the complaint, intervened directly to favor Cristina Díaz Chávez, in the resolution, without having made an exhaustive analysis of the case, nor having any elements, twisting the application of the law and acting by slogan.

Román Pinzón was also the magistrate who led the criminal case of the leader of the community members of Cacahuatepec, Marco Antonio Suástegui, unjustly imprisoned for false accusations. In August 2015, the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Center sent a letter to the magistrate asking him to issue a resolution in accordance with the law to restore Marco Antonio’s freedom, providing that he would act by slogan as is customary in those cases.

That nice family

The workers’ movement denounced that magistrates, officials, and even politicians placed family members, friends and romantic partners in jurisdictional positions, relegating workers who have been working in the Judiciary for several years and who, although they meet the professional profile, continue to perform administrative functions.

Heading the list at that time, the president of the TSJE, Lambertina Galeana Marín, currently president of the Judiciary of Guerrero, the disciplinary body of magistrates and judges, who put her daughter Paloma Oviedo Galeana as her private secretary and Kenia Oviedo Galeana as a designer. of the Family room. He also placed his niece, Lorena Benítez Radilla, as a judge of First Instance of the family of the Hidalgo Judicial District.

The magistrate Julio Lorenzo Jáuregui García, put his wife Azucena Pineda as a judge of justice for minors. He also appointed his godson, Edgar Mendoza Falcón, as justice for adolescents, and his daughter, Berenice Jáuregui Alarcón, as secretary of agreements.

Adela Román, beneficiary of corruption Adela Román, beneficiary of corruption

The licensed magistrate and former president of the TSJE, Jesús Martínez Garnelo, placed, according to the workers, several of his relatives and friends in different areas. One of them is his nephew Ever Natanael Rodríguez Martínez, a judge of First Instance in matters of justice for adolescents.

The PRD magistrate, Adela Román Ocampo, put her nephew Víctor Román as the designer of the Second Criminal Chamber where she is responsible. “The young man is a recent graduate and has no merit”, defined the workers who question him.

Magistrate Rafael Fernando Sadot Ávila Polanco recommended his daughter Leslie Ávila. The functions it performs are not mentioned.

Judge Yadira Icela Vega Nava, placed two of her children in the TSJE: Lucio Felipe Ortega Vega, judge of First Instance of the Civil Branch in the Judicial District of Tabares (Acapulco), without the capacity to perform that position. The other is Óscar Ortega Vega, designer of the Council of the Judiciary.

Judge Gabriela Ramos Bello placed her husband Eduardo Manuel del Real Huerta, as head of the TSJE’s work department.

The magistrate Vicente Rodríguez Martínez has his son, Christian Américo Rodríguez as secretary of agreements of the Court of First Instance of the Judicial District of Los Bravo (Chilpancingo), and his brother, Alberto Rodríguez Martínez, in the Civil and Family Court of First Instance of the Judicial District of Abasolo (Ometepec).

Guerrero's judiciary, the other well-organized crime 1

Magistrate María Elena Medina Hernández placed her brother Óscar Medina Hernández, and his wife, Ana Aurora López Ocampo, in the TSJE, but it is not specified in what area or the position.

The counselor of the Judiciary, Francisco Espinoza Grado, put his son Francisco Michelle Espinoza Larios to work at the TSJE in that same area.

The magistrate of the Third Criminal Chamber, Antonia Casarrubias García, appointed her son, Víctor Manuel Alarcón Casarrubias, as the designer of the same court. Another of his sons, Alejandro Alarcón Casarrubias, is an administrative officer of the First Criminal Court of the District of Hidalgo. In addition, the stepdaughter of the same magistrate, Viridiana García Brito, is an administrative officer of the Second Civil Court of the District of Hidalgo and Alejandro Arriera, the magistrate’s son-in-law, charges as an administrative officer of the First Criminal Court of that district.

The magistrate of the Third Criminal Chamber of Iguala, Félix Nava Solís, appointed his nephews, Ever Fernández Nava as judge of oral trials, and Iván Fernández Nava, as an administrative officer of the criminal court. He placed a third party, Carlos Nava Tapia, in the administrative office attached to the District of Hidalgo.

The workers also denounced that the federal deputy of the PRD, Sebastián de la Rosa, asked the former governor, Ángel Aguirre Rivero, that his brother Andrés de la Rosa Peláez be appointed technical secretary of the Judiciary Council, without having previously worked in the Power of attorney.

The most recent case of the appointment of a magistrate without merits, occurred only in October of last year, when with the support of the PRI, PRD, PVEM, Movimiento Ciudadano, and PAN, the Guerrero Congress approved the appointment of Paulino Jaimes Bernardino as magistrate of the TSJE, despite not having a judicial career and its obvious relationship with the tricolor. Jaimes Bernardino worked as an advisor to the president of the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo), Flor Añorve Ocampo, who was accused of irregularly exercising the budget of the Legislative Power.

Actual and current decomposition

Article 92, numeral 1, of the Political Constitution of the Free and Sovereign State of Guerrero, establishes that the Judicial Power of the State will guarantee the right to an effective administration of justice in civil, criminal, family, and adolescent matters through magistrates and judges independent, impartial, specialized and professional. Meanwhile, articles 93 and 160 of the same local constitution, provided that the administration, surveillance, discipline and professionalization of the public servants of the Judiciary correspond to the Judicial Council.

Consequently, on behalf of the Union of Public Servants of the Judicial Power of the State of Guerrero, the president of the Chilpancingo Bar Association, Rubén Cayetano García, presented on April 15, 2015, to the local Congress, a request for impeachment against 23 magistrates and against Lambertina Galeana, president of the Council of the Judiciary; Julio Lorenzo Jáuregui, counseling magistrate; Ricardo Salinas Sandoval, judge counselor, and Francisco Espinosa, external counselor, for violating the Organic Law of the Judicial Power, the regulations of the judicial career system, article 163, sections III, VII and XI, of the Political Constitution of the State of Guerrero, among other legal provisions. To date, the complaint is still filed by local deputies.

Paulino Jaimes, from clerk to magistrate Paulino Jaimes, from clerk to magistrate

Then then, the observation of the Foundation for Due Process, made nine years ago, about “the lack of a clear, transparent and merit-based system for the appointment and promotion of TSJ officials in Guerrero”, is real and is still valid.

As well as the statement he made about “the integration of the Council of the Judiciary, a body in which four of its five members are appointed directly or indirectly by the state Executive Power, without public scrutiny, and does not guarantee their independence.” Hence, none of the accused judges and magistrates has even been reprimanded, how could they do it? If their president has been multi-accused for acts of corruption and social wrongdoing. The Judiciary is the great pact between thieves.

Additionally, says Fundar, “the subjection of the Council to the Plenary of the Superior Court of Justice, the body that concentrates all the decisions, produces a severe limitation in the functions of appointment and rendering of accounts in the judicial function. It was also observed that a system of mild sanctions is maintained for serious offenses, mainly in cases of bribery ”.

The most corrupt

In 1997, while serving as the Ninth District Judge in Jalisco, Magistrate Amado López Morales exonerated the former leader of the Sinaloa cartel, Héctor Luis Palma Salazar, alias “El Güero,” of drug trafficking charges. López Morales only sentenced the drug trafficker to six years in prison for the crime of carrying a firearm. Amado López Morales was accused before the Federal Judiciary but was never punished.

It was until 2008, after a complaint about sexually harassing a collaborator when she held a circuit magistracy in the First Collegiate Court in Civil and Labor Matters in Guerrero, that she merited a warning from the CJF.

Despite the evidence, the Federal Judiciary determined to sanction a change of office from Chilpancingo to the port of Acapulco. Currently, López Morales serves as a magistrate of the Collegiate Circuit Court of the Auxiliary Center of the Seventh Region, based in Acapulco.

But this magistrate has not stopped committing improper acts, from his position he maneuvered to enter Alma Lucero Ángeles Ibarra, daughter of his private secretary, Irene Ibarra Cortés, as administrative-technical coordinator, workers denounced.

Casarrubias, he owes everything to Ángel Casarrubias, he owes everything to Ángel

Political group magistrate

The magistrate Raymundo Casarrubias Vázquez, is an unusual fact, after being a candidate for mayor of Chilapa in 2008 by the PRD, winning it and losing it in the Electoral Tribunal at the same time, he is promoted as a magistrate by the group of the former senator and current federal deputy PRD member, David Jiménez Rumbo, when Ángel Aguirre was governor.

Casarrubias Vázquez does not hide his collusion with the factual power group to which he belongs, he even performs favors from his position to benefit his allies in frank violation of the law on the responsibility of public servants. Despite everything, last year he was ratified as a magistrate along with another PRD member, Adela Román Ocampo, by the current governor Héctor Astudillo.

Last year, before the resignation of the president of the Superior Court of Justice, Robespierre Robles Hurtado, it was Raymundo Casarrubias who proposed his partner, Alberto López Celis, for that position. The measure was endorsed unanimously and López Celis now serves as head of the TSJ for the second time.

Robespierre Robles

Faced with complaints of irregularities in his position as a magistrate, and after being criticized on social networks, Robespierre Robles, requested a temporary permit, on the grounds of health problems.

Frivolity and riot Frivolity and riot

In a session that he himself convened, Robles Hurtado’s license was approved by the 23 magistrates of the local Judicial Power.

According to Proceso, on the night of Saturday 15, Zurayma Ajuria Marbán, wife of the representative of the Judicial Power in Guerrero, Robespierre Robles Hurtado – and self-appointed president of the TSJ volunteering -, boasted on social networks a selfie where she poses smiling with her husband during the concert of the Canadian artist Céline Dion, in the exclusive casino-hotel Caesar´s Palace. (Each ticket for the audition cost between $ 163 and $ 1,183, that is, from $ 3,000 to $ 23,000 on average).

The cost of magistrates

The annual budget of the Judicial Power in Guerrero is 533 million 222 thousand pesos, more than 20 percent is used to pay the salary of 23 magistrates who make up the plenary session of the Superior Court of Justice (TSJ).

The salaries that the magistrates authorized themselves exceed 5 million pesos a year, a stratospheric amount considering the poverty of Guerrero and the salaries received by the other workers of that Judicial Power, added to the ineptitude and corruption that prevails.

Guerrero's judiciary, the other well-organized crime 2

The salary of a magistrate broken down is as follows: 140 thousand pesos of monthly salary plus a bonus of 200 thousand pesos; 300 thousand pesos for the Christmas bonus and two vacation vouchers totaling one million 500 thousand pesos.

The salary of the magistrates has been described as insulting and contrasts with the salary of the administrative workers of the TSJ, which amounts to 5,600 pesos per month.

According to a brief financial report from the TSJ last year, in the operating expenses item that includes personal services, materials and supplies, and general services, the amount of $ 490’779,141.42 was disbursed at the end of the third quarter of 2017, Almost the total of what was assigned to it, of all that money there is no further registration because there is no supervisory body that requires it because it is an autonomous power.

Guerrero's judiciary, the other well-organized crime 3

For the TSJ, transparency only exists as an advertisement on its website. There is a window there that only leads to some articles that refer to transparency, but not to any document, supplier list, invoices, payments, etc., or accountability reports. But even, the site is so poorly made, because it is low cost, that some of its pages are down, all the money that according to the TSJ invests in training and technology is not true, because the mere fact of having a deficient web page, without information or services, shows that the resources for this area have also been stolen.

Guerrero's judiciary, the other well-organized crime 4

The case of magistrate Lucio Leyva Mena

The federal magistrate Lucio Leyva Nava, is a separate record. He is accused not only of nepotism but of guiding resolutions according to his own interests. Coupled with immoral accusations such as harassment given his twisted sexual inclination.

Leyva Nava is also accused of placing family members in positions in various assignments in the State of Mexico, Tabasco, and Guerrero.

One of the cases is that of sister Mónica Leyva Nava, who is a judicial clerk in the Federal District Court for Commercial Matters in the State of Guerrero, residing in Acapulco.

It is worth mentioning that on October 9, 2018, in communiqué number 24, the Federal Judicial Council issued a bulletin to the media in which they claim to investigate the relationships of relatives within the PJF.

It also favored the District Judge of the Federal Judicial Power (PJF), Nancy Ortiz Chavarría, who assembled her work team with family members

Brothers and niece, who had never worked in the federal judicial administration, were able to get a job thanks to the judge.

Since April 2016 he has held the position of District Judge, his first assignment was in the Fourth District Court of the Auxiliary Center of the Seventh Region, based in Acapulco, Guerrero.

Sources from that agency revealed that as of his arrival at the port, he managed to accommodate three direct relatives in different organs in Acapulco.

One of the first to be accommodated is Candy Ortiz Chavarría, who currently holds the position of Administrative Technical Coordinator in the First District Court of the Auxiliary Center of the Seventh Region.

Candy’s monthly salary is approximately 35 thousand pesos.

While the brother, Israel Ortiz Chavarría, is the private secretary of the District Judge in the First District Court of the Auxiliary Center of the Seventh Region.

The case of the niece, Arizbet Magaña Ortiz, she is currently studying a degree in Law online, she holds the position of Administrative Officer in the Second Collegiate Court in Criminal and Administrative Matters of the Twenty-First Circuit.

It is worth mentioning that Magaña Ortiz can enter thanks to the support of Judge Lucio Leyva Nava.


The Guerrero Post